

标题: 100句用英语骂人的方式



1. You are such an idiot!
2. You\’re a complete moron.
3. I can\’t believe how stupid you are.
4. You\’re the biggest jerk I\’ve ever met.
5. You\’re so ignorant.


6. You\’re such a waste of space.
7. You\’re a walking disaster.
8. What a loser you are!
9. You\’re a pathetic excuse for a human being.
10. I have never met someone so obnoxious like you.


11. You\’re a spineless coward.
12. You\’re a worthless piece of trash.
13. I can\’t stand your presence.
14. You\’re a despicable human being.
15. You make me sick.


16. You\’re nothing but a bully.
17. You\’re a selfish brat.
18. You\’re a heartless monster.
19. Your existence is meaningless.
20. You\’re the embodiment of incompetence.


21. You\’re a manipulative liar.
22. You\’re a soulless creature.
23. You\’re a disgrace to humanity.
24. You have no moral compass.
25. You\’re a disgusting piece of filth.


26. You\’re a cowardly weasel.
27. You\’re a spineless jellyfish.
28. You\’re a pitiful excuse for a person.
29. You\’re a waste of oxygen.
30. You exemplify the lowest form of humanity.


31. You\’re a miserable failure.
32. You\’re an insufferable know-it-all.
33. You\’re a worthless burden on society.
34. You\’re an arrogant piece of garbage.
35. You\’re a shallow and self-centered person.


36. You\’re a spineless coward.
37. You\’re a spineless jellyfish.
38. You\’re a pitiful excuse for a person.
39. You\’re a waste of oxygen.
40. You exemplify the lowest form of humanity.


41. You\’re an abomination to society.
42. You\’re an embarrassment to humanity.
43. You\’re a hopeless fool.
44. You\’re a leech.
45. You\’re a parasite.


46. You\’re a pathetic excuse for a human being.
47. Your existence is meaningless.
48. You\’re a disgrace to humanity.
49. You have no moral compass.
50. You\’re a disgusting piece of filth.


51. You\’re nothing but a bully.
52. You\’re a selfish brat.
53. You\’re a heartless monster.
54. You\’re a disgrace to society.
55. You make me sick.


56. You\’re a manipulative liar.
57. You\’re a soulless creature.
58. You\’re a disgrace to humanity.
59. You have no moral compass.
60. You\’re a disgusting piece of filth.


61. You\’re a miserable failure.
62. You
\’re an insufferable know-it-all.
63. You\’re a worthless burden on society.
64. You\’re an arrogant piece of garbage.
65. You\’re a shallow and self-centered person.


66. You\’re a despicable human being.
67. You make me sick.
68. You\’re a pathetic excuse for a human being.
69. Your existence is meaningless.
70. You\’re the embodiment of incompetence.


71. You\’re a spineless coward.
72. You\’re a worthless piece of trash.
73. You\’re a pitiful excuse for a person.
74. You\’re a waste of oxygen.
75. You\’re a disgrace to humanity.


76. You\’re an abomination to society.
77. You\’re an embarrassment to humanity.
78. You\’re a hopeless fool.
79. You\’re a leech.
80. You\’re a parasite.


81. You\’re a pathetic excuse for a human being.
82. Your existence is meaningless.
83. You\’re a disgrace to humanity.
84. You have no moral compass.
85. You\’re a disgusting piece of filth.


86. You\’re nothing but a bully.
87. You\’re a selfish brat.
88. You\’re a heartless monster.
89. You\’re a disgrace to society.
90. You make me sick.


91. You\’re a manipulative liar.
92. You\’re a soulless creature.
93. You\’re a disgrace to humanity.
94. You have no moral compass.
95. You\’re a disgusting piece of filth.


96. You\’re a miserable failure.
97. You\’re an insufferable know-it-all.
98. You\’re a worthless burden on society.
99. You\’re an arrogant piece of garbage.
100. You\’re a shallow and self-centered person.

