


1. Yes – “是的”
This is the most common and straightforward way to say “yes” in English. It can be used in formal and casual situations.
e.g. Are you coming to the party tonight?
Yes, I am coming to the party tonight.
2. Sure – “当然”
This is a more informal way of saying \”yes.\” It implies that you are willing or happy to do something.
e.g. Can you help me with my homework?
Sure, I can help you with your homework.
3. Absolutely – “绝对”
This is a more emphatic way of saying \”yes.\” It emphasizes your strong agreement or approval.
e.g. Do you like this song?
Absolutely! I love this song.
4. You bet – “当然”
This is an even more informal way of saying \”yes.\” It implies that you are confident and willing to do something.
e.g. Do you want to try this new restaurant?
You bet! I\’ve been wanting to try it for weeks!
5. Of course – “当然”
This is a polite and formal way of saying \”yes.\” It implies that you are

happy to help or agree with someone.
e.g. Can I borrow your pen?
Of course! Here you go.
6. No problem – “没问题”
This is a casual and friendly way of saying \”yes.\” It emphasizes that you are happy to help out.
e.g. Can you give me a ride to the airport?
No problem! I\’d be happy to.
7. Affirmative – “肯定”
This is a formal and military way of saying \”yes.\” It is used by soldiers and pilots to clearly communicate agreement.
e.g. Do you copy? Over.
Affirmative. Over.