

粽子是中国的一种传统食品,主要是用糯米加上各种不同的馅料包裹在一起,再用竹叶或者其他植物叶子进行包裹蒸煮而成。这种美食在端午节时是必不可少的,因为传说在这一天吃粽子能够吸纳端午节的阳气,增强身体的抵抗能力。那么在英文中,粽子应该用什么词汇来表述呢?答案是“sticky rice dumpling”。
Sticky rice dumpling is a

traditional Chinese food which is mainly made of glutinous rice with various kinds of fillings wrapped together and steamed with bamboo leaves or other plant leaves. It is a must-have food during the Dragon Boat Festival, because it is believed that eating sticky rice dumpling can absorb the yang energy of the festival and enhance the body\’s resistance. To make a sticky rice dumpling, one must first soak the glutinous rice in water for several hours, and then wrap it with fillings such as meat, egg yolk, or red bean paste. Finally, the dumplings are steamed for several hours until they are fully cooked.
The origin of sticky rice dumpling can be traced back to the Warring States period in China (475-221BC). According to legends, Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet, drowned himself in the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. The local people who admired him threw sticky rice dumplings the river to prevent fish from eating his body. From then on, eating sticky rice dumplings on the Dragon Boat Festival became a custom to commemorate Qu Yuan.
Today, sticky rice dumplings are not only popular in China, but also around the world. They can be found in Chinese supermarkets or restaurants in many countries, and are also a delicacy enjoyed by many foreigners. With their unique flavor and cultural significance, sticky rice dumplings

play an important role in Chinese food culture and are enjoyed by people of all ages.
In conclusion, sticky rice dumpling is a delicious and traditional Chinese food with cultural significance. It is not only a cuisine, but also a representation of Chinese history and customs. By knowing about sticky rice dumplings, people can better understand and appreciate the richness of Chinese food culture.