

1. 作为一名商务人士,经常要进行出差。在出差过程中,流利的英语口语是一个相当重要的竞争力。下面介绍一些常用的出差英语口语,希望能对大家在出差中有所帮助。

2. 在机场:

– Excuse me, could you tell me where the check-in counter for international flights is?

– I\’d like to check in for my flight to New York.

– How much does it cost to check in an extra piece of baggage?

– Is there a nearby currency exchange where I can change some money?

3. 在酒店:

– Good morning, I have a reservation for a single room under the name of John.

– Could you please recommend a good restaurant nearby?

– Can I get a wake-up call at 6 am tomorrow?

– I\’d like to book a taxi to the airport for tomorrow morning.

4. 在商务会议上:

– Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I\’d like to welcome you all to this meeting.

– Could you hand out the agenda and meeting materials, please?

– I\’d like to begin with a brief introduction of our company\’s background and current situation.

– Are there any questions or comments from the attendees?

5. 在谈判中:

– I\’m afraid the price you offered is too high for us. Is there any room for negotiation?

– We are very interested in your proposal, but we need more time to review it.

– How about we compromise on the payment terms?

– Can we discuss a

long-term partnership and cooperation plan?

6. 在客户拜访中:

– Thank you for taking the time to meet with us today.

– We would like to present our company and products to you, and discuss potential cooperation.

– Could you please tell us more about your company\’s needs and expectations?

– We believe that our products and services can bring value to your business and help you achieve your goals.

7. 在交通工具上:

– Excuse me, is this seat taken?

– Could you please lower the window blind? The sunlight is too strong.

– Could you please turn down the volume of your music player? It\’s disturbing others.

– I\’m sorry, I\’m feeling a bit carsick.

Could you slow down or stop for a while?

8. 不同场合的礼仪:

– In the United States, it is common to shake hands when you meet someone in a business setting, while in Japan, a bow is more appropriate.

– In some cultures, it\’s considered impolite to be too direct in communication, while in other cultures, it\’s seen as a sign of honesty and respect.

– Dress code varies in different occasions. For a business meeting, it\’s usually recommended to dress formal and conservative, while for a casual outing, you can dress more relaxed and comfortable.

9. 总结:出差常用英语口语在商务活动中起着极其重要的作用,它能够让我们更好地与外国客户和合作伙伴沟通交流,增强了我们在国际市场上的竞争力。期望这些口语表达能够对大家有所帮助,在未来的出差中表现更为出色。