


John: Hi, Laura. How are you?
Laura: Hi, John. I\’m fine. How about you?
John: I\’m good too. By the way, how\’s your boyfriend?
Laura: We broke up last month.
John: Sorry to hear that. What happened?
Laura: We have different views on love and life.
John: That\’s understandable. How do you define love?
Laura: Love is a feeling that two people share, where they care for and support

each other, and go through both happy and tough times together.
John: That\’s a great definition. But do you think love is enough to keep a relationship going?
Laura: No, it\’s not enough. Trust, respect, and communication are also crucial.
John: I totally agree. Love should be built on a solid foundation.

Mark: Hi, Tracy. I heard you\’re getting married soon.
Tracy: Hi, Mark. Yes, I am. I\’m very excited about it.
Mark: Congratulations! Could you tell me how you fell in love with your fiancé?
Tracy: It was during a hiking trip. We were both fascinated by the beauty of the nature and shared a passion for adventure. We started talking and found that we have a lot in common.
Mark: That\’s amazing. Do you think you\’ve found your soulmate?
Tracy: I do. We support each other unconditionally and accept each other\’s flaws. I can\’t

imagine my life without him.
Mark: That\’s so sweet. I wish you all the best in your future together.

Lucy: I\’m so tired of relationships. They always end up hurting me.
Mike: I\’m sorry to hear that. But love can bring you great happiness too.
Lucy: I understand, but it\’s easier said than done. I\’m afraid of getting hurt again.
Mike: I know how you feel. But sometimes, you have to take risks to find true love. And if it doesn\’t work out, you\’ll learn from the experience and become stronger.
Lucy: That\’s a good point. But how do I know if he\’s the right one for me?
Mike: There\’s no guarantee, but you can ask yourself whether he supports your goals and dreams, respects your values, and makes you feel loved and appreciated.
Lucy: You\’re right. I\’ll keep that in mind. Thanks!

Emily: I don\’t believe in love at first sight. It\’s just a shallow attraction.
David: Really? But I fell in love with my wife the first time I saw her.
Emily: But how do you know it\’s not just physical attraction? Love takes time to grow and develop.
David: I agree, but sometimes you just have a gut feeling that this person is special and worth pursuing.
Emily: I see your point. But don\’t you think it\’s risky to rush a relationship without knowing the person well?
David: Yes, it is. But sometimes, the risk is worth taking. You never know what you might miss if you don\’t take a chance.

Anna: Tom, do you believe in love that lasts forever?
Tom: Yes, I do. But it takes work and commitment to maintain.
Anna: That\’s true. Do you think love can survive obstacles such as distance and time?
Tom: It\’s difficult, but not impossible. If both partners are willing to make efforts to communicate and stay connected, they can overcome any distance and time apart.
Anna: I hope so. But what if one person changes and falls out of love?
Tom: Then it\’s a different story. Love requires mutual efforts and sacrifices. If one person stops caring or stays uncommitted, the relationship won\’t last.
Anna: I understand. I hope I can find someone who shares the same value and goals with me.
Tom: You will. Just keep an open mind and heart, and stay true to yourself.