我这边网络不好 英语怎么说



首先,如果你需要向对方解释当前的网络情况,可以这样说:“I\’m sorry, the internet connection on my end isn\’t very good at the moment. Could
我这边网络不好 英语怎么说插图

we try again later or use an alternative method of communication?”翻译成中文就是:“对不起,我这边网络连接不太好。我们能稍后再试或者使用其他通信方式吗?”

其次,如果你需要向对方反映无法成功进行网络会议,可以这样表达:“Sorry, it seems that we\’re unable to connect successfully for the online conference. I\’m having trouble with the internet here. Can we reschedule?”翻译成中文就是:“抱歉,我们貌似无法顺利地进行在线会议。我这边的网络有些问题。我们可以改期吗?”

此外,如果你需要向对方说明无法及时回复邮件的原因,可以这样表达:“I apologize as I haven\’t been able to reply to your email sooner. Unfortunately, the internet connection here has been quite poor recently.”翻译成中文就是:“非常抱歉,我没能及时回复你的邮件。我这边最近网络连接比较糟糕。”

另外,如果你需要向对方提出使用其他方式进行沟通,可以这样表达:“Given the network connection issue on my end, would it be possible to communicate via phone or WhatsApp instead?”翻译成中文就是:“考虑到我这边的网络问题,我们是否可以通过电话或者WhatsApp进行沟通?”

最后,如果你想请对方理解你的网络状况,并希望他们能够做一些让步,可以这样表达:“I understand that the internet connection issue is causing
我这边网络不好 英语怎么说插图1

some inconvenience. However, due to the unstable internet connection on my end, could you please give me more time to complete the task?”翻译成中文就是:“我知道网络问题给你带来了一些不便。但是,由于我这边网络连接不稳定,你能否给我更多时间来完成任务?”
