走进美好的世界, 旅游英语口语速成100(让美好走进生活)




1. Good morning! 早上好!
2. Hi! 你好!
3. How are you today? 你今天怎么样?
4. Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗?
5. Sorry, I don\’t speak ( language)… 对不起,我不会说(插入语言)…
6. Could you please speak more slowly? 你能慢一点说话吗?
7. Could you repeat that,
走进美好的世界, 旅游英语口语速成100(让美好走进生活)插图

please? 你能重复一下吗?
8. Can you write it down, please? 你可以写下来吗?
9. I am from ( country). 我来自(插入国家)。
10. I am a tourist. 我是一名旅游者。
11. Where is …? ( location) …在哪里?
12. How do I get to …? ( location) …怎么去?
13. How much is this? 这个多少钱?
14. Can I have a discount? 我可以打折吗?
15. Is there a restroom nearby? 附近有洗手间吗?
16. Can you recommend a good restaurant? 你能推荐一个好餐厅吗?
17. What is your specialty? 你们的特色菜是什么?
18. What would you recommend? 你推荐什么菜?
19. I would like to order… 我想点…
20. Can I have the bill, please? 可以给我账单吗?
21. Thank you! 谢谢!
22. You\’re welcome! 不用谢!
23. Excuse me! 对不起!
24. Sorry! 很抱歉!
25. Help! 救命!
26. Do you have…? 你们有…吗?
27. Can I try it on? 我可以试一下吗?
28. This is too expensive. 太贵了。
29. How much time do I have? 我还剩多少时间?
30. What is the best time to visit? 最佳参观时间是什么时候?
31. Can I take a photo? 我可以拍照吗?
32. Where can I buy tickets? 在哪里可以购买门票?
33. Is there a free shuttle bus? 有免费的班车吗?
34. Can I bring food and drinks in? 我可以带食物和饮料吗?
35. Where can I find a taxi? 我可以在哪里找到出租车?
36. How long does it take to get there? 这里到那儿需要多久?
37. How much does it cost to go there by taxi? 坐出租车到那里需要多少钱?
38. Can you book a hotel for me? 你能帮我预订酒店吗?
39. Do you have any vacancies? 你们有空房间吗?
40. What is the check-in time? 入住时间是什么时候?
41. What is the check-out time? 退房时间是什么时候?
42. How far is the train station from here? 火车站离这里有多远?
43. How long does it take to get to the airport? 到机场需要多长时间?
44. What is the flight number? 航班号是多少?
45. What time is the flight? 航班时间是几点?
46. Could you please wake me up at ( time)? 你能在(插入时间)叫醒我吗?
47. Where can I find an ATM? 我可以在哪里找到ATM?
48. Can you exchange currency for me? 你能帮我换钱吗?
49. Can you show me the map? 你能给我看一下地图吗?
50. Is it safe to walk around here at night? 在晚上在这里走路安全吗?
51. What is the emergency number? 紧急电话是什么?
52. Can you speak to my hotel/apartment/hostel owner? 你能和我的旅馆/公寓/青年旅社老板说话吗?
53. Could you call a doctor for me? 你能帮我叫医生吗?
54. Could you call the police for me? 你能为我叫警察吗?
55. Can you show me your passport? 你能给我看一下你的护照吗?
56. How many bags are you carrying? 你带了多少袋子?
57. Can I have your name and address? 我可以知道你的名字和地址吗?
58. What is the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样?
59. Is it going to rain today? 今天会下雨吗?
60. What is the temperature today? 今天的温度是多少?
61. Do I need to bring an umbrella? 我需要带伞吗?
62. Where can I buy souvenirs? 我可以在哪里买纪念品?
63. What is the best souvenir to buy here? 这里最好的纪念品是什么?
64. Can you recommend a good place for shopping? 你能推荐一个购物的好地方吗?
65. What is the local currency? 当地的货币是什么?
66. Could you recommend a good bar? 你能推荐一个好的酒吧吗?
67. Can I smoke here? 我可以在这里吸烟吗?
68. Can you show me the menu? 你能给我看一下菜单吗?
69. Do you have a vegetarian option? 你们有素食选项吗?
70. I am allergic to ( food) 我对(插入食品)过敏。
71. What is the Wi-Fi password? Wi-Fi密码是什么?
72. Can I use your computer? 我可以用你的电脑吗?
73. What is the best way to get around? 最佳的交通方式是什么?
74. What is the local language? 当地的语言是什么?
75. Can you teach me some basic phrases? 你能教我一些基本短语吗?
76. Can you take a picture of me, please? 你能帮我拍个照吗?
77. Can I see your ID, please? 我可以看看你的身份证吗?
78. Do you accept credit cards? 你们接受信用卡吗?
79. Can you recommend a good tour guide? 你能推荐一个好的导游吗?
80. Can I have a map, please? 我可以看一下地图吗?
81. Could you please tell me how to get to ( location)? 你能告诉我如何到达(插入地点)吗?
82. Can you help me carry my bags? 你能帮我拎一下我的包吗?
83. Can you recommend a good museum? 你能推荐一个好的博物馆吗?
84. What is there to see/do around here? 在这附近有什么好玩的/好看的吗?
85. Can I have a glass of water, please? 我可以要一杯水吗?
86. Can I have a cup of coffee, please? 我可以要一杯咖啡吗?
87. Can I have a beer, please? 我可以要一杯啤酒吗?
88. What is the signature cocktail here? 这里的招牌鸡尾酒是什么?
89. What is the best wine here? 这里最好的葡萄酒是什么?
90. Can I have a glass of red/white wine, please? 我可以要一杯红/白葡萄酒吗?
91. What is the best way to learn about the culture here? 学习这里的文化的最佳方法是什么?
92. Can you recommend a good theater/show? 你能推荐一个好的剧院/演出吗?
93. What is the best way to get to know the locals? 了解当地人的最好方法是什么?
94. Can you recommend
走进美好的世界, 旅游英语口语速成100(让美好走进生活)插图1

a good book about this place? 你能推荐一本关于这个地方的好书吗?
95. What is the most popular dish here? 这里最受欢迎的菜是什么?
96. Can you find a good place for me to rent a bike? 你能帮我找一个好的地方租自行车吗?
97. Do you know of any good free tours? 你知道有哪些好的免费旅游吗?
98. Can you recommend a good park to visit? 你能推荐一个好的公园参观吗?
99. Can I have a chocolate/pistachio/strawberry ice cream, please? 我可以要一杯巧克力/开心果/草莓冰淇淋吗?
100. Have a nice day! 祝你愉快!
