



第一部分 阅读理解


Passage 1

There are many ways to see the world, and learning a second language is one of the best. Today, more and more people

are discovering the benefits of language study. Here are some of them:

1. Language study helps you meet new people. With a second language, you can communicate with people from different backgrounds.

2. Language study opens doors to new cultures. Through a foreign language, you can learn about the customs, history and traditions of other countries.

3. Language study can lead to better job opportunities. Many employers are looking for people who can speak two or more languages.

4. Language study is good for your brain. Studies show that bilingual people have stronger cognitive skills than monolingual people.

1. What is one of the benefits of learning a second language?
A. It helps you travel abroad.
B. It helps you meet new people.
C. It helps you plan for the future.
D. It helps you improve your health.

What can you learn from a foreign language?
A. The food of different countries.
B. The customs of other countries.
C. The climate of other countries.
D. The sports of different countries.
3. What can bilingual ability do?
A. It can give people stronger cognitive skills.
B. It can help people be more patient.
C. It can help people make more money.
D. It can help people have better health.

Passage 2

Bert Hinkler was born in Bundaberg, Australia in 1892. As a child, he was very interested in machines and motors, and he started working with his father in a small repair shop. Soon, he began building his own airplanes in the backyard.

Hinkler was only 16 when he completed building his first plane. He was a natural-born pilot and quickly learned how to fly it. In the next few years, Hinkler made several record-breaking flights. He was the first person to fly solo from England to Australia in just under 15 days.

Hinkler flew many other planes before he finally died in a plane crash in 1933.

4. How old was Bert Hinkler when he built his first plane?
A. 16.
B. 20.
C. 25.
D. 30.
5. What did Bert Hinkler like as a child?
A. Reading books.
B. Making airplanes.
C. Collecting stamps.
D. Playing computer games.
6. What did Bert Hinkler do in 1928?
A. He flew solo from England to Australia.
B. He built his last plane.
C. He opened a repair shop.
D. He wrote a book about flying.


第二部分 字汇与语法

7. What ___________ to do if you don\’t like the book?
A. will you decide
B. would you decide
C. do you decide
D. did you decide

8. I don\’t like this coat. ___________, I want to return it.
A. Because
B. However
C. Therefore
D. Otherwise

9. We have been friends ___________ we were children.
A. while
B. when
C. since
D. for

10. You\’d better ___________ to bed early tonight, because you have an early meeting tomorrow.
A. go
B. gone
C. went
D. will go

11. I\’d rather ___________ my own lunch than eat in the school cafeteria.
A. packing
B. pack
C. packed
D. to pack

12. Everyone ___________ excited when we heard the news.
A. is
B. was
C. are
D. were


第三部分 命令类

13. Listen carefully _________ the teacher is saying.
A. of what
B. what
C. to what
D. in what

14. Please _________ your seat belt before the plane takes off.
A. fasten
B. open
C. close
D. untie

15. Could you _________ me the salt, please?
A. give
B. take
C. tell
D. bring

16. Don\’t forget to _________ the door when you leave.
A. locked
B. lock
C. open
D. closing

17. __________ book is this? It doesn\’t belong to me.
A. What
B. Whose
C. Who
D. How

18. Can you _________ me a hand with this heavy suitcase?
A. lend
B. sell
C. buy
D. borrow

