



:Hey guys, have you heard about the new restaurant that just opened downtown?

小华:No, I haven\’t heard anything about it. What\’s so special about it?

小李:Yeah, tell us more about it!

小明:Well, the restaurant is run by a

couple of monkeys!

小华:Are you kidding me? Monkeys can\’t run a restaurant!

小李:Yeah, that sounds impossible.

小明:Don\’t worry guys, they hired a bunch of humans to do all the cooking and serving. The monkeys are just there to provide entertainment!

小华:Oh, I see. That could be interesting.

小李:Wait a minute, is it ethical to have animals perform like that?

小明:Relax, they are not really performing. They just wander around and do whatever they want. People are just there to watch them and take pictures.

小华:I\’m not sure if I want to go to a restaurant like that.

小李:Me neither. I don\’t want to support something that exploits animals.

小明:Ok, ok, you guys win. We won\’t go there. But at least we had a good laugh about it!
