中国古诗英文版 简短



第一首诗是《登高》,作者是唐代诗人杜甫。这首诗既描绘了登高寻觅山间美景的情景,又表达了登高所带来的无限思考和启示。现将诗句翻译成英文版简短:“Beneath the blue sky, climbing to the top of the mountain, enjoying the beauty of nature. Filled with thoughts and inspirations, enlightenment and satisfaction arise.”

第二首诗是《赋得古原草送别》,作者是唐代诗人白居易。此诗描述了草原的美景以及离别时的悲伤。以下是诗句的英文版简短:“On the vast ancient grassland, saying goodbye amidst the beautiful scenery. Though composure is maintained, tears still fall.”

第三首诗是《望月怀远》,作者是唐代诗人张九龄。此诗表达了诗人怀念故乡以及思念亲人的情感。以下是诗句的英文版简短:“Gazing at the distant moon, missing my hometown and loved ones. Though far apart, thoughts and feelings remain strong.”

第四首诗是《登鹳雀楼》,作者是唐代诗人王之涣。此诗以鹳雀楼为背景,描写了登高所带来的视野和思考。以下是诗句的英文版简短:“Climbing to the top of the tower, gazing
中国古诗英文版 简短插图

afar upon the world below. Thoughts and feelings flow, clarity and peace arise.”

第五首诗是《静夜思》,作者是唐代诗人李白。诗人在安静的夜晚,回想起故乡之景,以及思念亲人。以下是诗句的英文版简短:“In the still of the night, I recall the scenery of my hometown. Thoughts and feelings are intertwined, missing those who are far
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